Express Healthcare

Dilip Jose appointed as MD and CEO of MHEPL


Jose is a management graduate from IRMA

Manipal Health Enterprises Private Limited (MHEPL) has appointed Dilip Jose as the MD and CEO of the company. He will take charge from Dr Ajay Bakshi who was associated with MHEPL for the last three plus years.

Having over 25 years of rich experience in various sectors and across functional areas he dedicated the last 16 years to the Healthcare industry. Dilip Jose served as a senior advisor to TPG Capital for close to two years. Prior to this, he was the group CEO of Care Hospitals, Hyderabad. He was also the Regional Director with Fortis Healthcare, managing their operations in Southern Region. He has held several leadership positions/ roles in the areas of para-medical education as well as tertiary healthcare delivery. In his previous role at TPG, and as senior advisor to the Manipal group Jose has contributed immensely in terms of operational excellence, and has provided value and knowledge of the best practices in the Healthcare industry.

He is a management graduate from IRMA and has attended several executive development programmes at institutions such as IIM (A), XLRI and ISB. He is a member of the National Healthcare Council, CII and the GLG Healthcare Council. His interests include trekking and volunteering for social causes.

Commenting on the appointment, Dr Sudarshan Ballal, Chairman, Manipal Hospitals said, “We congratulate Jose on taking over this assignment. He is undoubtedly one of the finest minds in the healthcare industry and I am confident that he will take MHEPL to new heights with his strong vision and dynamism.”

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