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Financial planning for assisted pregnancy: making IVF affordable

Chris George, CEO and Founder of QubeHealth, explains how financial solutions and support mechanisms are crucial for making IVF treatments more accessible amid rising costs and increased demand

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In recent years, in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) has emerged as a crucial option for couples facing infertility issues in India. Factors such as delayed parenthood, lifestyle changes, and various medical conditions have led to an increase in infertility rates, driving the demand for IVF treatments. While advancements in medical technology and growing awareness have made IVF more popular, the associated costs, exacerbated by inflation, pose significant financial challenges for many families. 

This article attempts to explore the necessity of IVF in the Indian context and examines potential financial solutions to make these treatments more accessible.

The Growing Need for IVF:

  1. Delayed Parenthood: The trend of delayed parenthood is becoming increasingly common in India. Many couples choose to establish their careers and achieve financial stability before starting a family. However, this delay often comes with fertility challenges. As a result, the reliance on assisted reproductive technologies like IVF has grown.
  2. Lifestyle Changes: Modern lifestyles have also increased infertility rates. Factors such as stress, poor diet, lack of exercise, and exposure to environmental toxins can negatively impact fertility in both men and women. These lifestyle changes make natural conception difficult for many couples, thereby increasing the demand for IVF treatments.
  3. Medical Conditions: Various medical conditions, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, and male infertility factors, are becoming more prevalent. These conditions often require medical intervention to achieve pregnancy, further emphasising the need for IVF and other assisted reproductive technologies.

The Financial Challenge of IVF:

Despite its growing necessity, IVF remains financially out of reach for many Indian families. The cost of a single IVF cycle can range from INR 50,000 to INR 2,50,000, depending on the clinic and the case’s complexity. The expenses can quickly add up because multiple cycles are often required to achieve a successful pregnancy. The uncertainty of budget planning for the IVF journey further compounds the uncertainty of planning a family amid these challenges.


  1. Inflation and Rising Costs: Inflation has played a significant role in increasing the cost of IVF treatments. The prices of medications, laboratory tests, and medical consultations have all risen, adding to the overall expense. Additionally, the cost of pre-treatment assessments and post-treatment care, including medications, follow-up consultations, and potential complications, can further strain a family’s finances.
  2. Accessibility Issues: The high cost of IVF treatments creates significant accessibility issues, particularly for middle-class and lower-income families. The financial burden can be overwhelming, preventing many couples from pursuing parenthood through assisted reproductive technologies. This situation underscores the need for effective financial planning and support mechanisms to make IVF more affordable.
  3. Financing as bait: Few clinics have known to use “no-cost-EMI” payment solutions to lure couples into multiple cycles and costs that embed the financing expense.

Solutions for Financial Planning:

Several healthcare financing options can be explored to address the financial challenges associated with IVF. These solutions can help families manage and distribute the costs of fertility treatments more effectively, alleviating immediate financial pressures and making parenthood more achievable.

  1. Healthcare Payments & Financing Companies: Healthcare payment companies like QubeHealth-Pay (the author is the Co-Founder & CEO) in India can play a pivotal role in making IVF treatments more accessible. Offering a reward or a discount cashback on any payment made at any IVF clinic in India while also offering tailored financial products, such as a Zero-Cost instant medical loan that is not tied down to a particular clinic or hospital, can help families spread the cost of IVF over a manageable period. 
  2. Quick & Low-Cost Medical Loans: Banks and NBFCs can create specialist low-cost medical loans specifically designed for fertility treatments, helping families with the necessary funds to cover IVF expenses. These loans could offer lower interest rates and more flexible repayment terms than traditional personal loans. 
  3. Insurance Coverage: Expanding insurance coverage to include IVF and other fertility treatments can also significantly ease the financial burden on families. Currently, most health insurance policies in India do not cover infertility treatments. Advocating for comprehensive insurance plans that include assisted reproductive technologies would provide a much-needed financial safety net for couples undergoing IVF.
  4. Government Initiatives: Government initiatives and subsidies can also play a crucial role in making IVF more affordable. The government can support families in their journey towards parenthood by offering financial assistance or tax benefits to couples undergoing fertility treatments. Additionally, public awareness campaigns about these benefits can help ensure that more couples are aware of and can access the available support.


As the demand for IVF treatments continues to rise in India due to factors such as delayed parenthood, lifestyle changes, and medical conditions, addressing the associated financial challenges becomes increasingly important. By exploring healthcare financing options, including medical loans, expanded insurance coverage, and government initiatives, it is possible to make IVF more accessible and affordable for a broader range of families. Effective financial planning and support mechanisms are essential to alleviate the financial strain and make the dream of parenthood a reality for many couples.

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