Express Healthcare

IMA demands for creation of ‘One Nation – One set of guidelines for health’ along with need for All India Medical Services: Dr Rajan Sharma

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Working closely with Central, State Governments in times of great stress due to stigma, violence, IMA has been conducting virtual meetings, providing regular feedbacks on emerging issues monitoring ground situation

While the Indian Medical Association (IMA) has been actively carrying out its duties and responsibilities throughout the COVID epidemic, has also provided major opinions for the Government of India for the betterment of a robust healthcare structure.

Working closely with the Central and State Governments in such times of great stress due to the stigma and violence, IMA has been conducting virtual meetings and providing with regular feedbacks on the emerging issues monitoring the ground situation.

“Even though IMA has been enthusiastically working, we request the Government of India to emphasise upon the certain major provisions. Acknowledging the community transmission at district levels through meticulously continuing the public health activities of contact tracing and testing will ensure minimal morbidity rate. There is an urgent need for a new Post-COVID Healthcare policy providing equal priority for Non-COVID care as well,” said Dr Rajan Sharma, National President, IMA     

IMA’s three tier structure of 1700 branches across 28 states and five Union territories have been a guiding force in fighting against this medical crisis. With vigorous interventions inside the medical profession, with the people and coordination with the Government, IMA has successfully conducted hundreds of webinars and are continuing to sensitise and equip Indian doctors with update information and best practices.

“In making a robust healthcare system, IMA has been involved in various activities like availing of insurance for the healthcare workers, anti-violence ordinance, inclusion of clinics, nursing homes and hospitals in the MSME, modifications in testing policy, air conditioning of public places, reopening of schools, medical education issues, PPEs in work places, policy for quarantine of hospitals and caregivers, plasma therapy, to name a few interventions,” said Dr RV Asokan, Honorary Secretary General, IMA

Consistent counselling and interactions have been conducted in order to keep up the morale among the Indian doctors. IMA has also maintained a National COVID Registry of doctors who have sacrificed their lives and those who have been infected in line of duty. Violence against doctors and martyrs was handled firmly and subtly. During the initial days of COVID inception in India, IMA was one of the earliest to initiate a 24X7 Talk to a Doctor’ helpline that has assisted over 22000 within two months.

“Management of this pandemic would have still been better in place if the public infrastructure and strategies were better. There is a dire need for the Government to increase its GDP allocation to 5 per cent into the healthcare structure. IMA also demands for creation of ‘One Nation – One set of guidelines for health’ along with need for All India Medical Services,” added Dr Sharma.

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