The disbursal of these machines, bought at a cost of Rs 55 lakh, is underway
Every primary health centre in Maharashtra’s Jalna, state health minister Rajesh Tope’s home district, will soon have BiPAP and oxygen concentration machines to help patients who have difficulty in breathing, officials said on Saturday.
Jalna will be the first district in the state to have such facilities at the PHC level, an official said.
“Against the backdrop of the coronavirus outbreak, the Divisional Commissioner Sunil Kendrekar and Collector Ravindra Binwade decided to procure Bilevel Positive Air Pressure (BiPAP) machines and oxygen concentration machines, They help patients with difficulty in breathing,” Zilla Parishad Health Officer Dr Vivek Khatgaonkar said.
The disbursal of these machines, bought at a cost of Rs 55 lakh, is underway, he added.
“This will reduce the dependency on oxygen cylinders at PHCs. Jalna is the first district in Maharashtra where such facilities are being provided at the PHC level,” he said.
Tope is guardian minister of Jalna district and is MLA from Ghansawangi, a town in Partur taluka there.
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