Express Healthcare

KidZania-Mumbai and Healthspring launch health check-up and emergency activities for kids


The activities organised for the visitors will impart information on the fundamentals of the healthcare that can reduce risk of contracting diseases

KidZania Mumbai, a global indoor theme park has partnered with Healthspring, India’s family health experts. HealthSpring Family Health clinic have launched two activities for children orbiting a basic health-check up and emergency procedures.

The activities organised for the visitors will impart information on the fundamentals of the healthcare that can reduce risk of contracting diseases. The medical check-up activity will allow kids to get a detailed know-how on first-aid services and the use of basic medical equipment and preventive measures. For example, visitors will role-play as a doctor prescribing medicines and checking patients or as a dietician recommending a diet, telling the patient what food is good to eat and what should be avoided. In the Emergency activity, kids will be given a demonstration on the various aspects of an emergency situation. Here kid learns how to respond to an emergency call and deal with it with the help of a Healthspring ambulance and clinic. Through both the process, visitors will learn how an efficient primary healthcare set-up functions with the help of a team of doctors, support staff, electronic medical health records and evidence based protocol driven treatment.

Reportedly, both activities will ignite the children’s psychomotor and emotional skills, giving them valuable insight by learning first-hand how to deal with a medical emergency. Furthermore, the kids will be given a variety of roles to play within the Healthspring establishment, that of a General Practitioner, nurse, paramedic, nutritionist, physiotherapist to help understand the different medical professions inculcating the value of teamwork and timely response, along the way.

Speaking on the new launch, Viraj Jit Singh – Chief Marketing Officer, KidZania India, said, “We welcome Healthspring, to the KidZania-Mumbai family. We believe first aid is a life skill that every child must know. Learning basic first-aid principles and preventive measures not only empowers kids to be prepared for the worst: but also helps them develop their compassion, self-esteem and sense of purpose”.

Speaking at the KidZania clinic, Kaushik Sen, Co-Founder and CEO said, “We are glad to have a set up at KidZania. We wanted to educate children through a new and fun experiential learning way and we believe that this association with KidZania will help us in achieving the same. Healthspring will be able to explain the importance of primary healthcare in the easiest ways to the children and we believe this partnership can also guide the parents to take preventive steps for their child in the future. Our health should be our first priority and this is what we wanted the kids to understand this at an early age. We decided to educate the little ones today as they are ‘Our Country’s Tomorrow’.”

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