Express Healthcare

KT/V dialysis unit opens for patients in South Mumbai


For the first time in South Mumbai, Wockhardt Hospital launched KT/V dialysis centre

Wockhardt Hospital, Mumbai Central dialysis unit was launched by Zahabiya Khorakiwala, Managing Director of Wockhardt Hospitals and Dr MM Bahadur, Director of Department of Nephrology and Kidney Transplant Physician. The new dialysis unit consisted of 13 beds covering nine beds for negative patient, three extra beds for hepatitis B/C, HIV positive patients.

Dialysis is a procedure one has to go through in case of acute kidney failure to remove waste and unwanted water from the body. Dialyser automatic washing machine is better than manual as it gives efficiency and it avoids possibility of cross infection and improves quality of dialysis. The main USP of the centre is KTV dialysis. Kt/V is a number used to quantify hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis treatment adequacy. K – Dialyzer clearance of urea. t – Dialysis time. V – Volume of distribution of urea, approximately equal to patient’s total body water.In this dialysis patient can avail one of the marker of dialysis efficiency which is known as KT/V. It is one of the very few unit offering dialysis treatment for HIV positive patients and Hepatitis B patients

Dr MM Bahadur said , “This move was the need of the hour as the number of renal failure patients is surging with each passing day. Dialysis patients have to take three to four sessions a week for the rest of their life which involves huge challenges. We witness patients coming from out of Mumbai for treatment as there are no facilities in their area but the new centres will bring great ease to the patients.”

Khorakiwala says, “The KT/V dialysis unit at our hospital is well equipped with cutting edge technology and the best trained physicians & surgeons, to take care of the most complex treatment. Our new equipment will avoid chances of cross infection among patients.”

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