Express Healthcare

Max Healthcare partners with Smart Health City


To operate and manage South Delhi-based Saket City Hospital

Max Healthcare (MHC) has partnered with Smart Group. As a result of the partnership,the former would acquire 51 per cent stake in Saket City Hospital, from Smart Health City, the Singapore-based BK Modi Group company which manages and operates the Delhi-based Saket City Hospital (SCH).

SCH has 230 operational beds and is currently expanding to 300 beds. Max Healthcare plans to further expand this facility by ~900 additional beds, thereby expanding SCH’s capacity to 1200 beds.

Combined with Max Healthcare’s existing and contiguously located flagship facility (Max Super Specialty Hospital – Saket), Max Healthcare will have a footprint of more than 2000 beds in Saket – making it one of the largest single-location healthcare facilities in India.

For Smart Health City, the partnership will progress Dr B K Modi’s vision of creating a world-class Medical Office Building (MOB) in addition to SCH. The complementary medical services by MOB will include day care procedures, diagnostics, assisted living, rehabilitation centre, medical and clinical research etc.

The integrated healthcare facility comprising MSSH-Saket, SCH and MOB will collectively result in the development of a world class Medicity in the heart of India’s capital.

SCH will be re-branded as Max Smart Super Speciality Hospital to reflect the shared vision of the two partners.

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