Express Healthcare

‘Mission Brain Attack’ launched by ISA in Varanasi

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The campaign is focused on  end – to – end care for strokes

 Indian Stroke Association (ISA) has recently launched a nation-wide campaign —‘Mission Brain Attack’,  in Varanasi, which is  focused on end- to- end care for strokes.

 The campaign  begins with addressing prevention and moves on to acute management and rehabilitation. Global statistics reveal that one among every four individuals may suffer from stroke. 

Dr Nirmal Surya, President- ISA, Dr Arvind Sharma, Secretary- ISA and Dr Avinash Chandra Singh, were present at the post event press conference.

 Dr  Surya, opined, “There are three major reasons that cause stroke- blood pressure, sugar and cholesterol. If your elders have suffered from a stroke and you also have blood pressure, sugar and cholesterol, then you need to be cautious. For this you have to keep your weight low, control cholesterol and quit alcohol and tobacco.”

 “Current statistics reveal that on an average three individuals are suffering from paralysis every minute.  Paralysis is also the third biggest cause of death,” he further added.


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