Express Healthcare

National Cancer Grid establishes new centre for digital oncology

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The centre has been set up with the contributions received from the Koita Foundation, which will support it for five years

The National Cancer Grid (NCG) has established the Koita Centre for Digital Oncology (KCDO) to promote use of digital technologies and tools to improve cancer care across India. The centre has been set up with the contributions received from the Koita Foundation, which will support it for five years.

The Tata Memorial Centre and Koita Foundation formalised the collaboration by signing an MoU at the Tata Memorial Hospital.

KCDO will play a role in driving digital transformation across the cancer care continuum. It will support NCG hospitals in sharing best practices in digital health, adopting digital health tools, and driving many common technology initiatives including EMR adoption, healthcare data interoperability, reporting and analytics.

KCDO will also enable NCG and NCG hospitals pilot and adopt new technologies including AI, machine learning, big data, automation, cloud, mobile which will benefit hospitals, doctors, patients and consumers. It will also partner with academic and research organisations to promote research and development in cancer care.


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