Express Healthcare

SRL Diagnostics revenue surpasses Rs 1,000-crore mark


The achievement is a recognition of SRL constantly delivering on its promise of excellence with quality

SRL Diagnostics (SRL) has surpassed Rs 1,000 cr revenue in the calendar year 2017. This milestone achievement positions SRL as the largest diagnostics company in the country by revenue.

On this landmark achievement of Rs 1,000 cr revenue, Arindam Haldar, CEO, SRL Diagnostics said, “Great companies are innovative and customer-centric. But the best of them combine innovation with superior execution.SRL has today evolved into India’s largest and preferred diagnostics chain with an impressive reach, relentlessly operating from a paradigm of quality and customer first. This achievement is a recognition of SRL constantly delivering on its promise of excellence with quality.”

He further stated, “I would like to express my gratitude to all our customers, partners, employees and other stakeholders for reposing trust on us and standing shoulder-to-shoulder to provide the best services.”

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