Express Healthcare

SRL gives preventive tips on International Day of Action for Women’s Health


Urges early diagnosis to resolve several health ailments

SRL Diagnostics released a four zone specific study report highlighting heath disorders afflicting women in India. The national study declared major diseases such as anaemia, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, vitamin d deficiency and osteoporosis, urinary tract infection, PCODs, thyroid disorder, breast cancer and cervical cancer affecting women in India at large.

As per the latest World Health Statistics report, out of 6.3 million people suffering from lifestyle diseases in India, 30.8 per cent of the female population have faced several health ailments due to the same.

As per the research by SRL Diagnostics, the emphasis is on preventive healthcare which is possible only with the help of early diagnosis. Women’s health typically fall into three broad age group bands catering for the mid-life period of significant hormonal changes related to menopause. The three age group categories for health checks are often delineated as below 40 years, 40-50 years and above 50 years. These coincide with the occurrence of major milestones and hence prevention is required.

A woman, below 40 years of age, should test the following tests:

  • Lipid profile and hsCRP, on a regular interval as a preventive marker for heart diseases

  • Baselines of diabetes markers, the fasting blood sugar, post-prandial blood sugar and HbA1c and also of kidney and liver functions

  • Low Vitamin D levels are very prevalent amongst women due to reduced sun exposure while maintaining serum Vitamin D levels is essential to ensure that there is adequate absorption of calcium

  • Vitamin B12 is also a good screening test useful for women who have strict vegetarian diets. Deficiencies of Vitamin D and B12 lead to joint pains and vague neurological signs, respectively

  • With the high incidence of cervical cancer a periodic PAP smear is advised. Mayo Clinic recommends beginning Pap smear testing at age 21 and then every two or three year

  • After age 30, Pap smears are generally recommended every three years, or every five years when the Pap smear is combined with an HPV test

  • Most women who have a mother, sister, or grandmother who had breast cancer at the age of 50 or older, or who are at high risk
    of breast cancer because of obesity or other reasons, should have regular mammograms (every one or two years) starting at age 40

  • A breast self-exam once a month, always goes a long way in picking up a suspicious lump early

  • An ultrasound abdomen and an ECG at any age always gives a wealth of information and also serves as a good baseline test

  • If a woman has had unprotected sex and has multiple partners it would be wise to get the trio of Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and HIV screen tested. A VDRL test can also be done. 

For the age group 40-50 years, apart from the tests mentioned above, as this is a phase of significant hormonal changes the following are often included into packages often on a doctor’s advice:

  • Hormonal tests often prescribed to be done on day-three of the cycle are FSH, Estradiol, LSH and Prolactin. Tests such as Inhibin B and Anti Mullerian Hormone may be prescribed by your physician if your symptoms mimic menopause closely

  • Tests such as TMT and 2 D echocardiogram can be added on at this stage as in this age group usually menopause approaches and estrogen levels start dipping; estrogen is the protective hormone to women against heart diseases and post menopause makes a woman more vulnerable to cardiovascular diseases

Above 50 years of age other tests which can be added on to screen for osteoporosis, audiometry if hearing disorders are suspected and stool occult blood in case of vague gastrointestinal complaints.

SRL recommends that most ailments can be overcome if a disease is caught in an early stage.


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