Express Healthcare

The fifth edition of HEAL held at Baby Memorial Hospital


The two day session gave new directions and ideas that can be incorporated in healthcare practice to the healthcare professionals and a ringside view to the students community
The fifth edition of HEAL (Healthcare Excellence through Administration and Leadership) was held at Baby Memorial Hospital (BMH), Kozhikode, Kerala between  October 26- 27,2018. Research Foundation of Hospital & Healthcare Administration (RFHHA) was the Knowledge Partner. The event saw students, healthcare professionals and dignitaries participate in large numbers and industry best practices, areas that required focus and the future of healthcare were discussed at large benefiting the enthusiastic audience in an effort to transform healthcare from good to great.

Gracy Mathai, CEO, BMH proposed the welcome address. She welcomed the dignitaries and delegates and highlighted the commitment of BMH and the journey of the institution from a 56 bed hospital to a 600 bed hospital.

The event was inaugurated by Dr Shakti Kumar Gupta, Medical Superintendent (Dr RPC), AIIMS, New Delhi. While he started his address showering praises on BMH for their commitment and care and the leadership of Dr K G Alexander, Chairman, BMH, Dr Shakti Kumar Gupta also set the program to a roaring start with questions to ponder which were deliberated in the subsequent sessions. Col. (Dr) Madhav Madusudhan Singh, Joint Director (Training & Co-ord), Directorate of Armed Forces Medical Services, Ministry of Defence, New Delhi was the Guest of Honour. Dr C.Vinoth Kumar, Conference Director proposed the Vote of Thanks for the Inaugural Session.

Dr Shakti Kumar Gupta, Medical Superintendent, AIIMS, Dr R.P. Centre for Ophthalmic Sciences, New Delhi started the academic session on the topic “Quality and Patient Safety in healthcare Institutions – an inescapable necessity”. He discussed various scenarios in which things can go wrong in healthcare setup. He emphasised that not only the right to health but right to quality and safe healthcare is the fundamental right of every citizen of India. He enlightened the audience by discussing about various ways in which excellence in healthcare can be achieved. He also discussed about National Initiative for Patient Safety (NIPS): An Indian Initiative on Promoting Patient Safety in India and across the globe.

The first session was followed by Col(Dr) Madhav Madusudhan Singh who spoke on the topic “Medicolegal Cases: A Rising Burden”. He discussed the legal scenario of medical negligence in India and detailed various factors and the reasoning behind the compensation awarded. He also explained the need for Professional Indemnity Policy for doctors and medical practitioners.

Day one, ended up with a topic titled “Improving healthcare through car-making methods: The role of pokayoke” by Dr Anand Gurumurthy, Associate Professor, IIM, Kozhikode. He attempted to draw similarities between manufacturing – in particular car manufacturing and healthcare in terms of complexity of tasks performed, usage of sophisticated equipments and the impact of errors/defects in the process. He explained in simple language about a mechanism called “pokayoke”. He stressed that these mechanisms are simple, less expensive, rely on common sense and are highly used in Toyota Production System (TPS). He suggested that such mechanisms can also be used effectively in healthcare to reduce the “medical errors” – which is considered to be one of the top ten killers in the world, as per World Health Organisation (WHO).

Day two, started with Srinivas Rao, Director, Global Institute of Supply Management, Bengaluru. He explained that proper management of Supply Chain will help hospitals to focus on both operational performance [like internal customer service] & supplier performance [such as Quality, Delivery, Cost and Financial Health]. He discussed about latest innovations in RFID Technology and Internet of Things coupled with use of Blockchain Technology that holds the key to the future.

The second talk was by Dr R.K.Chaturvedi, Former Director, JSS Hospital & Medical College, Mysuru who talked about Contractual Management in Healthcare. In his talk, he discussed the various key elements of effective contract management, downstream and upstream management of contract, contract management issues, Relationship management, Dispute Resolution and Issue Management. He detailed about what could go wrong in contract management and explained the effective tools for the contract management.

Followed by Dr.Shakti Kumar Gupta on the topic, “Future in Healthcare: Next Gen”. During the course of this discourse, he discussed about various challenges and emerging issues in healthcare. He talked about diverse issues like solutions to rising costs, global pandemics, environmental challenges, Intelligent buildings, Green Hospitals, Smart Hospitals, Evidence based medicine etc. He also deliberated on various innovations in healthcare that will transform healthcare landscape in future.

At the end of morning session, was a panel discussion on the topic, “Challenges in Managing Clinical Support Services in Hospitals” chaired by Dr.Shaji Thomas John, Chief of Clinical Support Services, BMH. The panelists are Dr.R.Krishnan, Dean of Medicine, Calicut University,(Dr) Maria Fernanda, Director, Nirmala Hospital, Kozhikode, Prof.Sankaran Nair, Medical Physicist, BMH, Dr.Neena Mampilly, Chief of Lab Services, BMH and Dr.Vijay Tadia, Sr.Resident Administrator, AIIMS, New Delhi. During this session, the various challenges and issues faced in managing clinical support services in hospitals were discussed.

The session in the afternoon started with a panel discussion on the hottest topic of today, “Violence Against Healthcare Professionals” chaired by Dr Shakti Kumar Gupta. Dr.Kshitija Singh, Resident Administrator, AIIMS, New Delhi was the moderator of the session.
The panelists are Prof. UB. Mishra, Professor & HOD of Hospital Administration, KGMU, Lucknow, Shyam Padman, Advocate, Kozhikode, Dr Rajesh MC, Consultant , BMH, Prof.(Dr) Ruchi Garg, IIHMR University, Jaipur, Subash Babu IPS, Retd. IPS and Dr Sahasranam, Chief of Medical Services, BMH. Dr Shakti Kumar Gupta emphasized upon the need for awareness and understanding of growing violence against the healthcare Professionals in India. He spoke about the role of an administrator to prevent and tackle such situations. Dr Kshitija Singh, briefly presented the current scenario, magnitude of the problem, the root cause analysis, nature of violence and its effect on healthcare professionals. Few case studies were discussed and esteemed panelists had their thoughts opined. Dr Rajesh MC threw light upon various medical interventions which might add up to the soaring cost of treatment in ICU. He spoke about the importance of documentation and following standard operating procedures to avoid confusions and controversies. Mr. Subash Babu shared the preparedness of the police personnel in handling cases of violence. He discussed the various safety/security strategies, hospitals should follow. He insisted that FIR should be filed and brought to its logical and legal end. Mr.Shyam Padman spoke about the existing laws and acts against violence on Healthcare professionals and hospitals. He also spoke about practices that account for medico legal negligence. The Panel concluded the discussion with their recommendations to curb violence against healthcare professionals. This was followed by Prof. UB. Mishra, Professor & Head of Hospital Administration, KGMU, Lucknow on “Effective Building Management System in Healthcare”.

The last session of the day saw Dr Vijay K Tadia, Sr. Resident Administrator, AIIMS, Kozhikode who delivered a talk titled “Blockchain in Healthcare: An Era of Opportunities”. He discussed about the need of trust in healthcare and how Blockchain Technology can help to bring that trust back to healthcare. He deliberate upon various uses of Blockchain Technology in Healthcare like Electronic Medical Records, Drug and Inventory Management, Smart Contracts in Healthcare etc. He also discussed as to how this technology can be implemented in healthcare in India.

The vote of thanks was proposed by Rohith G, Joint Organizing Secretary, HEAL 2018.

The two day session gave new directions and ideas that can be incorporated in healthcare practice to the healthcare professionals and a ringside view to the students community. The audience participation was appreciable with various queries to the speakers after each session and aptly addressed by the speakers. The thoughtful session made the audience crave for more and has provided the drive and direction for the organizers in making HEAL 2019 even bigger.

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