Express Healthcare

Transasia Bio-Medicals introduces new range of biochemistry reagents


Transasia has expanded its product portfolio of biochemistry reagents by adding three new products. They are ERBA Lipase XL system pack; ERBA Enzymatic Creatinine system pack and ERBA Bilirubin DCA (Total & Direct) system pack.

High amount of lipase in the blood could be a result of damage to the pancreas or a blockage in the tube leading from the pancreas (pancreatic duct) to the beginning of the small intestine. A lipase test is done to check for pancreatitis and other diseases of the pancreas, ensure that the treatment for pancreatitis is working, check for cystic fibrosis or evaluate if the treatment for it is working.

The benefits of ERBA Lipase XL system pack:is that it is readily adaptable, ready to use liquid stable assay-ideal for most open chemistry analysers, preferred chromogenic substrate 6’ methylresorufin ester used as a direct assay without second reaction, unlike the 1 & 2 diglyceride method, compatible with both serum and plasma samples, ten fold reduction in interference from triglycerides in comparison to 1 & 2 triglyceride method, virtually no interference from cholesterol, results in ten minutes only and economical cost per test. Pack presentation: R1-2 x 44 ml/R2-2 x 11 ml.

Creatinine has been found to be a fairly reliable indicator of kidney function. The kidneys maintain the blood creatinine in a normal range. Elevated creatinine level in the blood signifies impaired kidney function or kidney disease. It is for this reason that standard blood tests routinely check the amount of creatinine in the blood.

Routine clinical biochemistry laboratories use several methods for the estimation of serum and urinary concentrations of creatinine, most of which are based on the Jaffe’s reaction. However, there are major analytical problems associated with the use of the Jaffe’s reaction, in particular those relating to positive and negative interference by chromogens.

More than 50 chromogenic interfering substances have been documented. Common among them are glucose, acetoacetate, bilirubin, and cefoxitin.

Both glucose and bilirubin inhibit the reaction between creatinine and alkaline picrate. Glucose slowly reduces picric acid to picramate. While bilirubin, under alkaline conditions, is oxidized to biliverdin, causing a decrease in absorbance at 520 nm. Acetoacetate and cefoxitin, conversely, react directly with alkaline picrate and cause positive interference. Acetoacetate in fact, reacts more rapidly with picrate than creatinine.

Enzymatic creatinine, a new method for estimation is widely accepted as one of the most accurate routine methods currently available. Several studies have concluded that enzymatic method is suitable for routine measurement of serum creatinine, particularly for diabetic ketotic patients, neonates, and patients receiving cephalosporins.

Comparison (by independent ‘t’ test) and the agreement between two methods (ICC) of the Serum Creatinine values obtained by enzymatic methods and Kinetic Jaffe’s method

Mean ± SD (mg/dl) Mean differences ± SD (mg/ dl) ‘p’ value ICC
Group I (Normal) Enzymatic(n=167) 1.18 ±0.965 -0.042 ± 0.129 0.565* 0.995
Kinetic Jaffe’s (n=167) 1.23 ±0.989
Group II (Bilirubin) Enzymatic(n=33) 1.20 ±0.452 -0.158 ± 0.228 0.186* 0.915
Kinetic Jaffe’s (n=33) 1.35 ±0.503
Group III (Glucose) Enzymatic (n=118) 1.52 ±1.581 -0.116 ± 0.134 0.577* 0.997
Kinetic Jaffe’s (n=118) 1.63 ±1.610
All Groups (Total) Enzymatic (n=318) 1.31 ±1.207 -0.081 ± 0.150 0.401* 0.995
Kinetic Jaffe’s (n=318) 1.39 ±1.239

The ERBA enzymatic creatinine system pack offers improved specificity, smaller sample volume, high throughput, no interference by glucose, acetoacetate, and cefoxitin, negative interference by bilirubin, which depends on both creatinine and bilirubin concentrations.

Pack Presentation: R1- 5 x 30ml/ R2-5 x 10 ml

Conventional methods for the estimation of bilirubin have limitations when it comes to the diagnosis of neonatal samples. One of the major disadvantages of the routine Diazo Sulfanilic Acid method is that the sulfanilic acid has to be diazotised each time a series of bilirubin determinants are performed. This process is apparently a benign procedure, leading to discrepancies in bilirubin determination. On the other hand, in the DCA method, the salt is already diazotised.Hence, it proves to be highly stable and accurate in performance.

The new DCA method does not interfere with Hb and TG and is an exceptionally simple technique, easily adaptable to all automatic analysers. The new ERBA Bilirubin DCA system pack offers: liquid-stable, ready-to-use reagent, linearity upto 14.75 mg/dl, measuring range- 0.064-14.75 mg/dl, no interferences by lipemia, haemoglobin and ascorbic acid, convenient reagent packing. Pack Presentation: R1-6×44 ml/ R2-3×22 ml.

EH News Bureau

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